Some Special Technology Mega Trends That Will Change The World In Future Hello Friends, Today we will tell you which new special technology is going to come in the coming time. Here are the top nine tech mega-trends . Trend 1: The increasing datafication of our lives From chatting to friends in a messaging app or buying a coffee, to tapping in and out with an Oyster card or streaming music, today almost everything we do leaves a trail of data breadcrumbs. And this increasing datafication of our world has led to an unprecedented explosion in data. Just in the average minute , Facebook receives 900,000 logins, more than 450,000 Tweets are posted, and 156 million emails and 15 million texts are sent.With numbers like that, it’s no wonder we’re essentially doubling the amount of data created in the world roughly every two years. Trend 2: The Internet of Things (IoT) and how everyday devices are becoming more ‘smart’ The IoT – which encompa...